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Roasted Cherry Tomatoes in Olive oil

Woke up somewhere in the earlier early hours to go check on my humming oven and these trays of bright bursting red cherry tomatoes… shrivelling away with thyme… plotting around in slippers whilst potting so to speak 🍅

So you place your harvest out on a tray

Sprinkle over some salt and pepper

Add fresh twigs of thyme or organum if you have

If they are not overly sweet sprinkle the odd tablespoon of castor sugar over as well

Leave on a low (120’C) oven for 2-4 hours depending on the size of the tomatoes

Go to bed

Ideally the oven then would’ve switched off and the bell wouldn’t have woken the Jack Russel…

(Everything is a party for a Jack Russel! 🤦🏻‍♀️)

When slightly cooled grab some jars and lids, place in a pot, pour over some boiling water to sterilise, carefully load tomatoes into the jar loosely to the top

* secret note: add 100ml (1/4 of a jar) of white Balsamic vinegar… then top with a good quality olive oil to the brim and close carefully to seal

Shake now and then when walking past, store in the pantry for about a month, but do use at regular intervals over fresh ciabatta with torn mozzarella and basil 🌿


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