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A Blog for Father’s Day
From time to time I can’t sleep. I’ve developed this superpower of mine into a very effective tool to add to studying, reading, planning,...

Afro-boerâ„¢ was recently featured on the De Beer Necessities - thank you Diane for the feature, your kind words and the support! Herewith...

Die Kubaan
- a Cuban style braaibrooidjie - This braaibrooidjie recipe is perfect to make with any left over meat from Christmas Day. If you do...
Mathoka Mogashoa
Purple Jacaranda I was walking past the jacaranda tree in October 17 And somehow got lost in it’s beautiful trance that put me into a...
Priscila Ubriaco
Constancy Jacaranda: this foreign-sounding word that speaks of home. The word dances in my mouth as the seasons dance in my mind....
Monique Nel
O Pretoria, hoe mis ek jou Die warm gevoel om my klein kinder lyfie Die liefde wat my so stuif vas hou O my Pretoria, hoe mis ek jou Die...

we bake our own
Our oven has arrived - we are sustaining the in-house demand for hand-made ciabatta rolls, whole wheat loaves, farm milk loaves, English...

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