die dae van die radio kalahari orkes…

…irrevent, toe tapping musiek that smells, tastes and sounds like the veld, the air and rhythm of windmills on the dusty landscape…
featuring the accordion: Alicia Van Dyk, the fiddle: Friso Woustra, guitar: Wynand Davel, drums: Ruben Samuels, mouth organ, penny whistle: Ian Roberts, and bass guitar: Barry Steenkamp, plus lekker vocals to some brilliant tunes from then and now, sung by the pretty Krummelpoppie and the ouens. A Little Rock ’n Roll, Ghoema, Latin and Africana music in a rainbow fusion
volgende maand is nou afro-boer se “heritage month” … en ons 5 jaar bestaan se verjaarsdag… om die wiele aan die rol te kry het ons solank met die orkeslede begin gesels - waar kom hulle vandaan, waarvan maak hulle ’n bestaan ensovoorts ensomeer
Ek ken Barry Steenkamp nou al van Sondagskool dae se kleintyd… - hy deel met my die generasie van rebellie -
Barry sê:…
ek is: ’n agent, composer, musician, manager, father en husband
RKO is: ’n South African Folk band soortgelyk aan ’n Louisianna Cajun-style Folk band my music core is: blues, reaggae, jazz, vintage rock, funk, soul, township tunes, en negro spiritually inspired en dat ek eendag ’n legacy van God values, calling en purpose wil los
van Jimmy Hendrix: has been a tremendous influence in the personal application of my music
van Bob Marley: rasta man, prophet, positivity, naturally free of rules
van Radio Kalahari Orkes: het hulle gejoin in 2010, het myself leer express deur hulle, so 8 jaar nou by hulle the members drive to the edge of the margins, hulle ry op die “cusp” van die golf
van die politiek: die ANC steel ons vryheid en hok ons, die land het gevare, self vir ons kinders, verdien ons dit? dis b**#@!^&$ - we are living with robbed freedom
van die ekonomie: as ons regering dit reg hanteer, glo ek daar sal stelselmatige positiewe verandering wees in die toekoms
van die buiteland: vested interests
die samelewing: meeste Suid-Afrikaners is nice mense, cool en random… in Europe and 1st World countries your body is free but your mind is captive… in South Africa your mind is free but your body is captive. I’m generation X, we are a generation rebelling against all oppression
van die toekoms: its a balance between bills and own pursuits…
I want to produce my own music,
I want to manage my time well,
ek wil skryf…
ek wil my Alpha State bereik - an attitude free zone,
relaxed yet focused and receptive